<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>无标题文档</title> <link href='/Skin/DefaultSkin.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> </head> <body> <% Response.Buffer = True Response.Expires = -1 Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" %> <!--#include file="Conn_Counter.asp"--> <!--#include file="../Include/PowerEasy.Common.Security.asp"--> <% Call OpenConn_Counter Dim Sql, Rs Set Rs = Conn_Counter.Execute("select * from PE_StatInfoList") If Not Rs.BOF And Not Rs.EOF Then RegCount_Fill = Rs("RegFields_Fill") OnlineTime = Rs("OnlineTime") VisitRecord = Rs("VisitRecord") KillRefresh = Rs("KillRefresh") DayNum = Rs("DayNum") AllNum = Rs("TotalNum") + Rs("OldTotalNum") TotalView = Rs("TotalView") + Rs("OldTotalView") StartDate = Rs("StartDate") StatDayNum = DateDiff("D", StartDate, Date) + 1 If StatDayNum <= 0 Or IsNumeric(StatDayNum) = 0 Then AveDayNum = StatDayNum Else AveDayNum = CLng(AllNum / StatDayNum) End If End If Set Rs = Nothing Function GetYesterdayNum() If CacheIsEmpty("nYesterDayVisitorNum") Then Dim YesterdayStrLong YesterdayStrLong = Year(DateAdd("d", "-1", Date)) & "-" & Month(DateAdd("d", "-1", Date)) & "-" & Day(DateAdd("d", "-1", Date)) Set Rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") If CountDatabaseType = "SQL" Then sql="SELECT * FROM PE_StatDay WHERE TDay='"&YesterdayStrLong&"'" Else sql="SELECT * FROM PE_StatDay WHERE TDay=#"&YesterdayStrLong&"#" End If Rs.Open Sql, Conn_Counter, 1, 1 If Not Rs.BOF Or Not Rs.EOF Then For I = 0 To 23 nYesterDayNum = nYesterDayNum + Rs(CStr(I)) Next Else nYesterDayNum = 0 End If CacheData = Application("nYesterDayVisitorNum") If IsArray(CacheData) Then CacheData(0) = nYesterDayNum CacheData(1) = Now() Else ReDim CacheData(2) CacheData(0) = nYesterDayNum CacheData(1) = Now() End If Application.Lock Application("nYesterDayVisitorNum") = CacheData Application.UnLock Else CacheData = Application("nYesterDayVisitorNum") If IsArray(CacheData) Then nYesterDayNum = CacheData(0) Else nYesterDayNum = 0 End If End If End Function Function CacheIsEmpty(MyCacheName) CacheIsEmpty = True CacheData = Application(MyCacheName) If Not IsArray(CacheData) Then Exit Function If Not IsDate(CacheData(1)) Then Exit Function If DateDiff("s", CDate(CacheData(1)), Now()) < 60 * 1440 Then CacheIsEmpty = False End If End Function Call GetYesterdayNum %> 今日访问:<%=DayNum%> 昨日访问:%=nYesterDayNum%> 总访问量:<%=AllNum%> 总浏览量:<%=TotalView%> 日均访问:<%=AveDayNum%> </body> </html>