<% function chnumstr(num) strlen=len(num) for i=1 to strlen select case mid(num,i,1) case 1:chnum="一":case 2:chnum="二":case 3:chnum="三":case 4:chnum="四":case 5:chnum="五" case 6:chnum="六":case 7:chnum="七":case 8:chnum="八":case 9:chnum="九":case 0:chnum="零" end select chnumstr=chnumstr&chnum if i=strlen-1 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"十" if i=strlen-2 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"百" if i=strlen-3 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"千" if i=strlen-4 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"万" if i=strlen-5 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"十" if i=strlen-6 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"百" if i=strlen-7 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"千" if i=strlen-8 and mid(num,i,1)<>0 then chnumstr=chnumstr&"万" next end function %> <% response.write chnumstr(54883661) %>