<!--#include file="conn.asp" --> <% action=request("action") if action="daoru" then Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Driver = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" Path = "DBQ=" &Server.MapPath("../tongxunlu.xls") oConn.Open Driver &Path Sql="Select * From [Sheet1$]" Set Rs=oConn.Execute(Sql) IF Rs.Eof And Rs.Bof Then Response.write "没有数据!!" Else Do While Not Rs.EOF set vrs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") vSQL="SELECT * FROM TongXunLu where t_Name='"&Rs("Names")&"' and t_tel='"&Rs("Tel")&"' order by id asc" vrs.Open vSQL, conn, 1, 3 TxlNum=vrs.recordcount if TxlNum=0 then vrs.AddNew() vrs("t_Name")=rs("Names") vrs("t_Sex")=rs("sex") vrs("t_Tel")=rs("Tel") vrs("t_Email")=rs("email") vrs("t_Address")=rs("address") vrs("t_Post")=rs("postcode") vrs.Update() end if Rs.MoveNext Loop End IF Response.Write("<script>alert('导入成功!');location='admin_tongxunlu.asp';</script>") end if %>